Become a true friend of our museum

Join us! Become a member of the Museum
Three Rivers Museum tells a story - what was it like to live and work round here?
We're busy - collecting, preserving, conserving and presenting historical archives and objects related to the Three Rivers district of Hertfordshire. We're a very small and independent museum run entirely by volunteers, and we rely on grants, donations and membership subscriptions for our revenue.
Join us! By becoming a member of the Trust you help us continue this important work - and you can get involved in it.
Most of our volunteers are members of the Trust. Members also receive the two annual issues of the Museum’s journal, Yesterday-Today, which keeps our members up to date with what we're up to and provides articles about the story of the area.
Using the form below, I apply to become a member of Three Rivers Museum Trust, and I accept the terms and conditions implied by the Memorandum and Articles of Association available here, or copy available from the secretary.
Our Annual Subscriptions
Individual £15
Senior citizen/Retired/Student/Unemployed) £12
(All subscriptions are individual: couples should apply separately.)
You can subscribe by BACS transfer (use your name and date as the reference), or by Standing Order to our Santander bank account:
Or you can pay by cheque made out to Three Rivers Museum Trust Ltd and sent to the Membership Secretary at:
14 Uplands, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth WD3 4RD.
A gift aid form is available here, or can be provided by the membership secretary
And the legal bit: "The Trust being a company limited by guarantee, I guarantee to pay £1, should it be demanded in the event of the winding-up of the Trust."