Support us
Support your local museum

We have a lot going on - we've been developing over the last year (or more), and we still are. And you can be involved.
You can support our work financially.
As a business you could sponsor what we do.
You could join us as a member.
Or you could just make a donation. Your financial support is vital - use the link below to make a donation of any size. It will all help, and we’re grateful for it.
You might even like to consider a legacy in your will. That will no doubt be many years away: but with your help the Museum will be here to use it, and use it well.
We respond to many queries and requests for information. We make no
charge, but we may suggest that you provide a donation to recognise the time
You could join us as a volunteer
Three Rivers Museum is an all-volunteer operation. Many small museums have at least one paid staff member, often a museum professional, but we don’t.
But there’s still all the work to be done that any museum has to do. We have to open the museum, welcome our visitors and answer their many questions, some of which need research.
And we have to run a small company, with all that that involves.
So there’s a lot to do. The Three Rivers Museum is developing fast, and there’s a role for pretty well everyone who can be available at the right times. We need volunteers to
prepare material for our new digital platforms, especially our photos
act as room stewards and guides.
help with our conservation efforts
help with our admin
help record and arrange our displays and exhibits
give talks (in public) about our local history.
Go to our Volunteering page for more information.