Our physical collections
The objects in our museum - documents, objects, photos....

This section will increasingly present items that we have in the museum. Not all are 'objects' - this is the front page of the 1912 report of the Rickmansworth Fire Brigade, which we have recently acquired. But most are, and they'll feature prominently here. But we have, and will feature here, other documents, photos, written accounts as well as books for you to refer to.
At present we have several 'permanent' displays and exhibitions: of archaeological finds, of the general history of this part of Hertfordshire and to illustrate the story of Rickmansworth and the villages of Three Rivers. They'll get refreshed, but it's a good place to start.
Our 'Temporary Exhibitions' have recently covered the stories of Scotsbridge House and of the 750-year history of St Mary's church, Rickmansworth. We have currently a display of memorabilia in our Jubilee display, which goes back to remind you of earlier jubilees and coronations , and a number of other artefacts from our collections. And we 're very privileged to have the outstanding Jubilee 'Fit for a Queen' bunting from ASCEND at All Saints Church, South Oxhey - these images don't do it justice, it has to be seen!

Many more will feature in this section. We have audio descriptions, too, of some of our displays - the 'lion's head' from the fifteenth century Manor of the Moor, the windows of the Cart and Horses (demolished 1964), and our Metro-land display. Many more will feature in this section.