Working in the Community
What we have belongs to everyone!

The work we do in Rickmansworth will mean very little if it’s not available to the whole Three Rivers community. So we’ve set up a collaboration with Three Rivers District Council which will enable us to use their knowledge of the great range of community groups, and their communications with them, to extend our reach to them - the heritage of the district belongs to everyone, not just those living near the museum. It’s aimed in the first place at building a wide new audience, and we hope to be able to use grant money (not from TRDC) to take the first steps to making our museum a more attractive place to visit, and to get an interactive digital display and the software that comes with it.
We’ll want people to go out to some of these areas of Three Rivers, advertising the museum, perhaps taking talks to U3A groups, WIs and other communities, or giving walking tours of the history of that area.
The story is, “What was it like to live and work round there?” We’re not ready to do it yet – but we will be!